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ジェンダーとファクトとオピニオン Gender, fact and opinion

執筆者の写真: Ken Mayes OzawaKen Mayes Ozawa













Occasionally I see older people who are not gender conscious.

"Women talk a lot, so it takes time at meetings," or something like that (not necessarily asserting when you look at the context before and after the statement). I think it's a shame, but once you get close to your position, it's not unclear.

In the first place, there were values ​​of that era, and many stories have been created based on the role of men and women based on gender differences. If you believe it and live for many years, you will not be able to change your beliefs and aesthetics.

Since companies originally target their intended customers and put advertisements on the media, it seems that the images, stories, and aesthetics of the companies tend to be believable.

Women like pink, dogs and cats are cute, fat people like to eat, they are smart when they wear glasses, they are rich when they wear bathrobes, and so on. The so-called role is expressed as a symbol.

I have a stance that what individuals think is selfish. Fact and opinion should be separated. It's okay to think that women, as individuals, just talk and take time, but why not send it out on the premise that many people think the same way?

That's why you should consciously update. Look at the passage of time while being a little sensitive to your consciousness, and stick to the stance that your aesthetic is an opinion. However, I don't know what the fact is because I didn't collect statistics. (However, even if it is a fact, it is better to avoid statements that promote fixed position or discrimination.)

I think that what is being seen is exactly this "can I change my mind?" Even if there is a mistake, if you can reflect on it and change to the next, it is rather a proof that you can listen to people's opinions and reconstruct your own opinions.

If you prove that you can't change, it may be difficult to take leadership in the midst of this rapid change and the changing values.




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